Debriefing for groups

Do you and your colleagues work within a private, public, health or voluntary service?
Are you and your colleagues experiencing difficulties as a result of a particularly challenging or disturbing recent work event?

Simona Revelli is a UKCP registered Psychotherapist and Clinical Supervisor. In private practice and within the NHS she has gained considerable experience of facilitating group and individual debriefing. To learn more about her and her work, please visit the menu items at ‘General Information’ and ‘Debriefing For Individuals’.

Should you or your colleagues wish to discuss this service, please feel free to send her an enquiry via email or through the link ‘Contact’. All enquiries are free of charge.


Why Debriefing

Debriefing is a one-off or otherwise time-limited intervention. It aims to provide a supportive and confidential setting to those who have experienced an unusually difficult and disturbing event — for example, a critical incident or accident at work. The event may have caused considerable distress to one or more persons. The purpose is to reduce the possibility of more adverse and enduring effects by offering those affected a timely opportunity to articulate and process their experience.